Position Title: Operations and Sustainability Officer

Location: Nairobi, Kenya.
Post Holder: TBC
Reports to: CEO
Position Overview: This full time paid position is to help lead the work of Vision Africa in Kenya. As such the post holder shall have significant management responsibilities and is directly accountable to the CEO and indirectly accountable to the UK Board of Trustees for all relevant matters.
As Vision Africa is a Christian Charity the post holder will be expected to profess the Christian faith which will be evidenced in their moral conduct. They will also be required to be in full sympathy with Vision Africa’s values, aims and objectives and will at all times remain accountable to the UK Board.
The Operations and Sustainability Officer will hold key management responsibilities relating to the long term sustainability of Vision Africa. There are three core elements to our sustainability:
Technical sustainability
Financial sustainability
Sustainability of impact
The Operations and Sustainability Officer will provide leadership, under the supervision of the CEO, on Technical Sustainability and Financial Sustainability for the organisation as a whole. The post-holder will engage as necessary with the Kenya Council of Reference (KCOR) and engage the members thereof in the fulfilment of these responsibilities.
The position has these principal responsibilities:
To deputise for the CEO should (s)he be unavailable.
To pursue the development of small businesses and income generating activities for long term self-sustainability across all projects.
To manage Partner Project training and capacity building for long term sustainability.
To develop and implement a Corporate Networking and Partnership strategy for Kenya with a view to financial sustainability.
To manage the engagement of all interns and volunteers
To provide oversight for the management and development of VA Alumni
To manage and develop opportunities for revenue generation through social enterprise. (Currently includes VA Farm, Crafted and Uliza, but could expand in future.)
Requirements for Applicants
Demonstrable Sales and business development skills
Strong leadership qualities
Relevant Masters’ Degree
3 years minimum experience in relevant setting
Self-driven and self-reliant, able to work independently
Creative problem solver
Excellent interpersonal and communications skills
Excellent time and resource management skills.
Closing Date: 6pm, 7th October 2015. Interviews will commence (provisionally) 12th October.
Applications should be submitted to deborah@vision-africa.org and should include a cover letter, and full CV indicating three referees. The recruitment process will be guided by Vision Africa’s Operations Manual
Any questions throughout the recruitment process should be sent to deborah@vision-africa.org.
*Originally posted on 23rd September 2015.